Beverly’s Residential Footprint

How does the average household carbon footprint in Beverly break down?

  • Our Transportation makes up 27% of residential green house gas (GHG) emissions 

  • Our Residential Buildings make up 30%

  • Our Food, Goods, and Services habits make up 43%

  • Our impact comes from our habits: what we eat, what we buy, where we buy it, and our choices in our everyday lives

Collectively we CAN make a difference.

Many of us feel that our efforts are a small rain drop in the ocean.

However, studies have shown that our small efforts, when done together, make a significant difference!

  • The choices that we make as individuals on a daily basis account for 65-85% of Beverly's emissions.

  • Shifting simple, everyday behavior with eco-friendly choices can reduce our individual environmental footprint by 25-35%!

  • If just 1 in 4 households increased their sustainability efforts, our city could achieve a 10% reduction in GHG emissions.

  • Think what 2 in every 4 households could achieve, or more! Every household in Beverly has the power to make a BIG impact.