We shop to meet a need. If we want to live more sustainably, how and what we do to meet that need makes a big difference. Ask yourself:
If it’s broken, can it be repaired?
Would a used version do?
If new is needed, which version is the most eco-friendly?
Top Shopping Actions
Shop your closets, attic, and basement: you may already have an item that meets that need.
Shop second-hand before new: for clothing go to a consignment shop (Worthy Girl and The Golden Hanger) or thrift store (Beverly Bootstraps).
Shop small: When you shop at a local store or buy items made or grown in the area, you strengthen our local economy, reduce carbon costs associated with transporting goods (and transporting yourself to get them), and in the case of food, increase the health and resiliency of our environment.
Buy eco-friendly versions of items: Look for products made from sustainable source materials. For example, toilet paper or paper towels made from bamboo, or one-use plates made from sugarcane.
No- and low-plastic packaging: Look for compostable plastics, paper or cardboard, or glass packaging.
BYO bags: Use your own mesh produce and shopping bags everywhere (not just at the grocery store).
Gift experiences: Consider giving experiences or services, like a massage or event tickets, rather than stuff.
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“We must remember that there is an entire process, production, and disposal lifecycle that comes with every product and service that we use, take, buy, eat, and wear.“
— Sabrina Auclair, GB Shopping Coach