“Green Actions” are how we can all shrink our environmental footprint, the more sustainable ways that we can live our daily lives - the steps we can take to lessen our impact on climate change.
Green Actions vary in cost, ease of implementation, and degree of impact on greenhouse gas emissions or sustainable systems. Even “small” actions have a big impact when enough people do them. That’s why Green Beverly is focused on community: we have power together.
create a shopping list and buy only the groceries that you need
think twice before buying something new (repair, swap, buy used)
don’t buy single-serve items (bottled water, chips, snackables, etc.)
use your car one less day per week
learn more about composting and sign up for curbside pickup
Bonus: all 5 save you $$$!
Which Action will you start incorporating into your lifestyle today?
Within these Green Actions categories, find additional information such as:
how these actions can reduce our environmental impact
where to find assistance or products to help you take action
who can answer questions specific to your situation
facts about why action in each category is critical to sustainability
links to City of Beverly resources