Frequently Asked Questions about Green Beverly

Additional questions that our Coaches have answered regarding living more sustainably (composting how-to’s, diet, talking to children, etc.) can be found on the Coaching Program page.

  • What's Green Beverly been up to?

    Subscribe to our newsletter (in the footer below) to get the most current news right in your in-box. We’ve archived previous Newsletters as well. Happy reading!

  • Are Green Beverly services free?

    For the most part, yes. Our Green Actions, Coaching, Sustainability Exhibit, and Workshops are free. The only services that cost money are the services associated with community-wide projects.

  • How are you different from MassSave?

    MassSave is a state program that focuses on building efficiency. They provide a variety of actions and financial incentives that can be used to make your home more efficient after performing a home audit.

    We look at sustainability more holistically and will potentially point you in the direction of getting a MassSave audit should your primary concerns be in the area of heating, cooling, electricity, and/or water consumption.

  • Will I get a bunch of sales calls?

    You will get zero sales calls as we are not selling anything. IF, after talking to one of our coaches you’d like to meet with a vendor or installer of some type, we will be happy to direct you to a minimum of three reputable providers.

  • I want to do my part, but where do I start?

    This is the most common question that we get. By visiting our site, you’ve already taken the first step! From here, check out our Green Actions to find something that feels right for you. You’ll find accessible ways to be more sustainable in every aspect of daily life, from home water usage to shopping.

    If you have a specific issue or problem to solve, you can always ask a Green Beverly coach.

  • Does being more sustainable cost more money?

    Not necessarily. It really depends on the action. Some actions do cost more than their conventional counterparts up front, but many save money in the long term. For the few consumer items that are more expensive, those costs will continue to drop as consumer demand increases.

    For questions about specific actions, it’s best to consult with one of our coaches to understand their relative cost.

  • Will my individual efforts make a difference?

    There is power in numbers. One person’s actions rarely make a huge impact on their own, but living sustainably is like voting: by being a part of a collective, your action is an essential part of making all the difference in the world. Plus, many Green Actions can make a tangible difference in your life right away: a healthier yard, lower heating bills, and so on.

  • How do I know what online information about sustainability is accurate?

    It’s a good idea to use government or peer-reviewed research as sources if you’re looking up data, and reputable orgs for advice. At Green Beverly, we take tremendous pride in offering well-researched, accurate information on our website. Feel free to contact us if you have questions about the validity of anything on our site or if you would like help assessing “green” content from other sources.

  • I recycle, compost, shop local, and commute on my bike. Do I need to do more?

    First of all, congratulations! This is a great start! We’re a firm believer that a household should do as much as is feasible to them. This differs for each household, but unless you’re already at Net Zero, you can always do more. Please visit our Green Actions section for additional ideas.

  • How can I meet people with similar sustainability interests?

    We have a few ways to meet others with similar sustainability interests. One is to post on our Facebook page about your specific interest. The other way is to post on the message board at our Sustainability Exhibit at the Cummings Center (coming soon). Also, Green Beverly is volunteer-run by your neighbors: join us (all commitment and skill levels welcome) to be part of a like-minded community.