Earth Fest 2022 Recap
Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us for Beverly’s inaugural Earth Fest! Green Beverly and the City of Beverly co-hosted the event at Lynch Park on a perfect New England April afternoon. Which is to say, it was chilly and breezy and sunny and warm and cloudy. Anyway, everyone wore layers.

We were delighted to welcome more than 1,000 attendees who engaged with sustainability experts from a variety of local nonprofits, played games, ate amazing treats from ZERO WASTE vendors, drank local microbrews in the beer garden, and vibed with roots/rock band Brown Boot Boys. Plus there were a lot of dogs and tacos, which seemed to make everyone happy.
The goal of celebrating Earth Day is to raise community awareness around environmental issues that ultimately affect us all. Green Beverly and the City of Beverly were proud to welcome many city and regional partners that did a fantastic job educating and connecting with attendees on a variety of topics, from wind energy to bird watching to composting.
Clean Energy Advisory Committee | Beverly Recreation Department | Beverly Waste Reduction Committee | Beverly Bike Committee | Beverly Main Streets | Change Is Simple | HomeWorks Energy | National Grid | Salem Sound Coastwatch | Ipswich River Watershed | Outdoor Classrooms | House Factory | Kestrel Adventure Education | Montserrat College of Art
We also made it a priority to work with food and beverage providers who center sustainability in their mission and products. Organic, ethical, fair trade, or local ingredients, water conservation practices, and compostable serveware were some of the ways Earth Fest 2022’s vendors walked the talk.
Source Bakery | Pure Pastry | Old Planters Brewing | Gentile Brewing | Pigeon Cove Kombucha | TeaCAMILLA | South Shore Taco Guy (soon to be North Shore Taco Guy!)
Nearly 500 attendees participated in Green Beverly’s raffle. Entries were completely FREE. You could earn additional entries by demonstrating your commitment to sustainable living, like bringing your own reusable water bottle to use at the water refill stations, riding your bike to the event, or stopping by the Waste Reduction Committee table to take a quick survey. Prizes included some wonderful collections of sustainable lifestyle goods and services, like a New Entry organic farm co-op membership, smart thermostats, a raised garden bed, and more!
Beverly Earth Fest 2022’s generous sponsors:
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Institution for Savings
Eastern Bank
Massachusetts Cultural Council 〰️ Institution for Savings 〰️ Eastern Bank 〰️
This event was made possible not just by sponsorships, partnerships, and our INCREDIBLE volunteers, but by you: someone who cares about this one planet we’ve got, and its future. Thank you for being part of the Green Beverly community.