Green Beverly’s Food Diversion Program Turns 1!

For over a year Green Beverly has been rescuing food in Beverly. We are gleaning behind Bootstraps and the Salem Pantry.  Currently we pick up expired food on Sunday's at Whole Foods and Thur/Fri at Shaws.  Each pick up could be from 250 to 700 pounds!  That is anywhere from 5 to 15 boxes of each produce and bakery and up to a few boxes of prepared foods. The food is going to two YMCA affordable housing buildings, Beverly Bootstraps,  Ellis Square Friends, Will House, First Baptist Church, First Parish Church, Life Bridge and River House in Beverly, who help to feed our food insecure each week!

Green Beverly is thankful to be partnering with these groups on this initiative - keeping food out of the trash and getting it to those in need! 

YMCA affordable housing

Beverly Bootstraps

Ellis Square Friends

Will House

First Baptist

First Parish Church

Life Bridge

River House

To help with this program, and others that Green Beverly offers. Please donate!


Shopping Sustainably this Holiday Season


Green Beverly wins voting for food diversion grant