Green Actions
Beautiful landscapes don’t need expanses of manicured lawn, or any lawn at all. Replacing grass with low maintenance ground covers, planting beds, gardens, or permeable walkways will add color and dimension to your landscape. (via Greenscapesce)
use solar powered lights for landscape
use motion lights instead of keeping outdoor lights on all night
collect rainwater coming off your roof
instead of using concrete or pavement, use porous materials like permeable pavers, mulch, stone, or shell
Redirect water runoff from a driveway to a vegetated area versus the street and storm drains
plant a swale along a driveway or other areas of heavy water run-off to absorb the rainwater
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One-quarter inch of rain draining off a one-car garage will fill a 55-gallon rain barrel. New England typically receives 17” of rain during the growing season from May through September. This provides enough water to fill 170 rain barrels that can be used even when water bans are in place. (source)